


Our Story



Ayrshire Bible Church (ABC) was formed in 2014. It is a ministry born out of desire to obey the Great Commission given to us by Jesus. Our Mission statement encapsulates our desire to be true to His command. “We exist to bring glory to God by making more and better disciples”.

When we are about to be separated from someone close to us, we pay great attention to their last words. As Jesus spoke to His disciples for the last time, He charged them with one thing: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”, Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus’ closest followers had spent three years observing all He had commanded. Now he was giving them the responsibility of passing on all the things He had told them to do. As His Body, The Church, we are part of that multiplication process.

As we see His Church expanded through evangelism and discipleship, He also gave the responsibility to encourage one another by meeting together regularly as the Local Church. These are people who come together,indwelt and empowered by His Holy Spirit, who jointly worship Christ, remembering Him and what He has done for us; talking to Him in prayer, studying God’s Word in order to know and obey Him, while practicing the “one another” commands of Scripture.

Both as a local Church, and as individuals, it’s our desire and conviction that we obey Jesus’ mandate to make Disciples. This deliberate equipping of people for the Glory of God and His service is woven into the fabric of Ayrshire Bible Church.

Ayrshire Bible Church